
Statistical Digital Signal Processing



  • 随机数字信号处理
  • Statistical Digital Signal Processing
  • Random Digital Signal Processing
\[ \DeclareMathOperator\expect{\operatorname{\mathbb{E}}} \DeclareMathOperator\variant{\operatorname{\mathbb{V}}} \def\R{\mathbb{R}} \]

§1 Performance

Criteria of performance



Fisher 拨开迷雾,驱散阴影,指明了评价估计的标准:

  • Unbiased 无偏——期望
  • Consistent 相合——依概率收敛
  • Efficient 有效——方差


  • Valid 合法——可操作


  • Sufficient 充分——信息

§2 Minimum variance unbiased estimation

Error, variance, and bias


\(\theta\) is a parameter. \(\hat \theta\) is a random variable aiming at estimating \(\theta\).

\[ \expect(\hat\theta - \theta)^2 = \variant \hat\theta + (\expect\hat\theta - \theta)^2. \]


§3 Cramér–Rao lower bound


随机变量 \(\xi\) 服从参数为 \(\theta\) 的分布,概率密度 \(p\)\(\xi, \theta\) 的函数。Likelihood is \(\theta \mapsto p\) when \(\xi\) is given as a sample.


Harald Cramér (Swedish: [kraˈmeːr], ≈ mayor in English) was a Swedish mathematician, actuary, and statistician.


It is often easier to derive with the average (or normalized) log likelihood than with log likelihood or likelihood. If samples are IID, then they are \(\overline{\ln p}\), \(\sum \ln p\), and \(\prod p\).

It means more than a calculation technique: By law of large numbers, \(\overline{\ln p} \to \expect \ln p\), which is the entropy of the random variable. This relates to asymptotic properties of maximum likelihood.

Lemma: Derivative of expectation

\(\xi\) 的任意函数 \(f\)

\[ \begin{split} \pdv{\theta} \expect f &\coloneqq \pdv{\theta} \int f p \dd{\xi} \\ &= \int \pdv{\theta} (f p) \dd{\xi} \\ &= \int \pdv{f}{\theta} p \dd{\xi} + \int f \pdv{p}{\theta} \dd{\xi} \\ &= \expect \pdv{f}{\theta} + \int f \pdv{\ln p}{\theta} p \dd{\xi} \\ &= \expect \pdv{f}{\theta} + \expect f \pdv{\ln p}{\theta}. \\ \end{split} \]

Operator precedence

Product (\(\times\)) takes precedence over expectation (\(\expect\)), and the latter is over sum (\(+\)). 而且 \(\expect(X \expect Y) \equiv (\expect X) \expect Y\)


这里求的是给定 \(\theta\) 下的条件期望。

\(\pdv{\theta}\)\(\int \dd{\xi}\) 总能交换吗?这是累次极限换序问题。“This is generally true except when the domain of the PDF for which it is nonzero depends on the unknown parameter.”


Regularity: \(\expect \pdv{\theta} \ln p = 0\).

In fact,

\[ \begin{split} \expect \pdv{\ln p}{\theta} &= \expect\qty(1 \times \pdv{\ln p}{\theta}) \\ &= \pdv{\theta} \expect 1 - \expect \pdv{\theta} 1 \\ &= 0 - 0 \\ &= 0. \end{split} \]

To be rigorous, this is a corollary of the regular conditions, rather than the reverse.

Fisher information - Wikipedia

Real regular conditions:

  • \(\pdv{\theta} p\) exists almost everywhere.
  • The support of \(p\) does not depend on \(\theta\).
  • \(\pdv{\theta} \int p \dd{\xi}\) exists.

Yet another form of Cauchy–Schwarz inequality

对于 \(\xi\) 的两个函数 \(X,Y\)

\[ \abs{\expect \bar{X}Y}^2 \leq \expect \abs{X}^2 \times \expect \abs{Y}^2. \]

Because \((X, Y) \mapsto \expect \bar{X} Y\) is an inner product.

另外这也相当于对函数 \(\xi \mapsto \sqrt{p} X\)\(\xi \mapsto \sqrt{p} Y\) 应用定积分形式的 Cauchy–Schwarz 不等式。


An estimator (a function of \(\xi\) aiming at estimating \(\theta\)) \(\hat\theta\) is unbiased: \(\expect \hat\theta = \theta\).

Implicit \(\forall\)

\(\expect \hat\theta = \theta\) seems indifferent at a glance, but the definition requires it holds for all \(\theta\).

It is not always possible. For example, \(\xi \sim \mathcal{U}(0, 1/m)\), then \(\hat m = m\) means \(\int_0^{1/m} \hat{m} \times m \dd{\xi} = \int_0^{1/m} \hat{m} \dd{\xi} \times m = m\), which cannot be true for all \(m\).

Differentiate it:

\[ \begin{split} 0 &= \pdv{\theta} \expect \qty(\hat\theta - \theta) \\ &= \expect \qty(\pdv{\hat\theta}{\theta} - \pdv{\theta}{\theta}) + \expect \qty(\hat\theta - \theta) \pdv{\ln p}{\theta}. \\ \end{split} \]

\(\pdv{\hat\theta}{\theta} = 0\) as \(\hat\theta\) does not depend on \(\theta\), \(\pdv{\theta}{\theta} = 1\), therefore

\[ 1 = \expect \qty(\hat\theta - \theta) \pdv{\ln p}{\theta}. \]


有时并不想估计 \(\theta\),而想用 \(\hat\alpha\) 估计 \(\alpha = g(\theta)\)。这时 \(\expect\pdv{\theta}{\theta}\) 变为 \(\expect\pdv{\alpha}{\theta} = \pdv{\alpha}{\theta}\)

另一角度是假装参数是 \(\alpha\),当成直接估计,把上式所有 \(\theta\) 相关量替换为 \(\alpha\) 的,再利用 \(\pdv{\alpha} = \pdv{\theta}{\alpha} \pdv{\theta}\) 转为原来那样 \(\theta\) 的表达式。

\(g\) 是一次函数,MVU 变换后还是 MVU;即使不是一次函数,当 \(N \to +\infty\) 时,PDF 会按大数定律集中,若 \(g\) 可微,则它在局部仍是一次函数——statistical linear (affine)。

The theorem

\[ \begin{split} 1 &= \abs{\expect \qty(\hat\theta - \theta) \pdv{\ln p}{\theta}}^2 \\ &\leq \expect \abs{\hat\theta - \theta}^2 \times \expect \abs{\pdv{\ln p}{\theta}}^2. \\ \end{split} \]

The first part is mean squared error (MSE), and the second part is

\[ \begin{split} \expect \qty(\pdv{\ln p}{\theta})^2 &= \expect \pdv{\ln p}{\theta} \pdv{\ln p}{\theta} \\ &= \pdv{\theta} \expect \pdv{\ln p}{\theta} - \expect \pdv{\theta} \pdv{\ln p}{\theta} \\ &= \pdv{\theta} 0 - \expect \pdv[2]{\ln p}{\theta} \\ &= - \expect \pdv[2]{\ln p}{\theta}. \\ \end{split} \]


这一步没有意义,变换前后都是含 \(\theta\) 而不含 \(\xi\) 的数。之所以变一下,是因为一些情况下二阶导数天然不含 \(\xi\),从而 \(\expect\) 更容易计算。

由变换前的形式,其相反数恒非负;由变换后的形式,增多相互独立的 \(\xi\) 时可加(将 \(p\) 换为 \(p_1 \times p_2\),值是 \(p_1,p_2\) 对应值之和)。如此种种,人们把它的相反数称作 Fisher information。

To wrap up,

\[ \expect \abs{\hat\theta - \theta}^2 \geq \frac{1}{- \expect \pdv[2]{\ln p}{\theta}}. \]

Moreover, the two sides are equal if and only if \(\qty(\hat\theta - \theta) \parallel \pdv{\theta}\ln p\) with respect to \(\xi\). In other words, there exists a function \(\theta \mapsto \lambda\), such that \(\pdv{\theta} \ln p = \lambda \qty(\hat\theta - \theta)\) (assuming \(\hat\theta \not\equiv \theta\)). Note that in this case, \(1 = \expect\abs{\hat\theta - \theta}^2 \times \expect\abs{\lambda \qty(\hat\theta - \theta)}^2\), therefore \(\expect\abs{\hat\theta - \theta}^2 = 1 / \abs{\lambda}\).


如果 \(\pdv{\theta} \ln p = \lambda \qty(\hat\theta - \theta)\),那么 \(\hat\theta\) 最大似然。

Matrix form

Use Einstein summation.

设有参数 \(\theta^b\),希望估计 \(\alpha_a\)。样本分布取决于 \(\theta^b\)\(\hat{\alpha}_a\) 是样本的函数,\(\alpha_a\)\(\theta^b\) 的函数。


\[ \expect (\hat{\alpha}_a - \alpha_a) \pdv{\ln p}{\theta^b} = \pdv{\alpha_a}{\theta^b}. \]

Fisher information matrix \(I_{ab} \coloneqq \expect \pdv{\ln p}{\theta^a} \pdv{\ln p}{\theta^b}\) is always positive semidefinite (\(I_{ab} \succeq 0\)), and it's positive definite (\(I_{ab} \succ 0\)) for regular statistical models. We'll only discuss the latter case.

Loewner order

Let \(A,B\) be two Hermitian matrices with same shape. We say that \(A \succeq B\) if \(A − B\) is positive semidefinite. Similarly, we say that \(A \succ B\) if \(A − B\) is positive definite.


\[ I_{a b} = - \expect \pdv{\theta^a} \pdv{\theta^b} \ln p. \]

协方差 \(\Sigma_{ab} := \expect (\hat{\alpha}_a - \alpha_a) (\hat{\alpha}_b - \alpha_b)\) 总是半正定(\(\Sigma_{ab} \succeq 0\)),我们要讨论它的范围。

\(z_a\)\((\hat{\alpha}_a - \alpha_a)\)\(\pdv{\ln p}{\theta^a}\) 拼成的列向量,则

\[ \expect z_a z_b := \begin{bmatrix} \Sigma_{ab} & \expect (\hat{\alpha}_a - \alpha_a) \pdv{\ln p}{\theta^b} \\ \expect \pdv{\ln p}{\theta^a} (\hat{\alpha}_b - \alpha_b) & I_{a b} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \Sigma_{ab} & \pdv{\alpha_a}{\theta^b} \\ \pdv{\alpha_b}{\theta^a} & I_{a b} \\ \end{bmatrix}. \]

按形式 \(\expect z_a z_b \succeq 0\),因此其 Schur complement

\[ \expect z_a z_b / I_{a b} \coloneqq \Sigma_{ab} - \pdv{\alpha_a}{\theta^c} \pdv{\alpha_b}{\theta^d} I^{cd} \succeq 0. \]


\(I_{a b} I^{b c} = {\delta_a}^c\)——上下标转换表示逆。

Schur complement 半正定的依据

\[ \begin{bmatrix} \expect z_a z_b / I_{a b} & 0_{ab} \\ 0_{a b} & I_{a b} \end{bmatrix} \]

\(\expect z_a z_b\) 合同。


\[ \Sigma_{ab} \succeq \pdv{\alpha_a}{\theta^c} \pdv{\alpha_b}{\theta^d} I^{cd}. \]

The conditions for equality are \((\hat{\alpha}_a - \alpha_a) \parallel \pdv{\ln p}{\theta^c}\) with respect to samples (i.e. the factor does not depend on samples). In factor the factor is \(\pdv{\alpha_a}{\theta^b} I^{bc}\) or \(\pdv{\theta^b}{\alpha_a} I_{bc}\).


§5 General Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimation

Properties of a statistic


Completeness (statistics) - Wikipedia.

Lecture 1 - SF3961 Graduate Course in Statistical Inference.

Lecture 4 - SF3961 Graduate Course in Statistical Inference.

exponential family - Are complete statistics always sufficient? - Cross Validated.

Is a minimal sufficient statistic also a complete statistic - Cross Validated.

Basic intuition about minimal sufficient statistic - Cross Validated.

st.statistics - Is a function of complete statistics again complete? - MathOverflow.

  • Sufficient——Information of \(\vb*{X}\) from \(T\)

    \(\Pr(\vb*{x}|T)\) does not depend on \(\theta\).

  • Complete——Family of distributions of \(T\)

    For any measurable function \(g\), \(\expect g(T) \equiv 0\) implies \(\Pr(g(T) = 0) \equiv 1\). (“\(\equiv\)” means \(\forall \theta\))

    Equivalently, \(\qty{P_{T|\theta}: \theta \in \text{parameter space}}\) spans the whole \(\mathcal{T} \to \mathbb{R}\) functions. (Hint: \(\expect g(T)\) is an inner product of \(P_{T|\theta}\) and \(g\))

Consider the map \(f:p_{\theta }\mapsto p_{T|\theta}\) which takes each distribution on model parameter \(\theta\) to its induced distribution on statistic \(T\). The statistic \(T\) is said to be complete when \(f\) is surjective, and sufficient when \(f\) is injective.

function - Sufficient/complete statistic \(\leftrightarrow\) injective/surjective map? - Cross Validated.

  1. Probability triple \((\Omega, \mathcal{F}, \mu)\):
    • \(\Omega\) is the sample space,
    • \(\mathcal{F} \subset 2^\Omega\) is the event space, and
    • \(\mu: \mathcal{F} \to [0,1]\) is the probability function.
  2. Random variable \(X: \Omega \to \mathcal{X}\), where \(\mathcal{X}\) is a measurable space with \(\sigma\)-field \(\mathcal{B}\).
  3. Statistic \(T: \mathcal{X} \to \mathcal{T}\), where \(\mathcal{T}\) is another measurable space with \(\sigma\)-field \(\mathcal{C}\) contains all singletons. Besides, we can also think the random variable \(T \circ X: \Omega \to \mathcal{T}\) as the statistic.
  4. Sufficiency: \(\mu_{T|\Theta}(C|\theta) = \mu_{X|\Theta}(T^{-1} C|\theta)\) is probability measure on \(\mathcal{C}\).
  5. Sufficiency (in the Bayesian sense): For every prior \(\mu_\Theta\), there exists versions of the posterior distributions \(\mu_{\Theta|X}, \mu_{\Theta|T}\) such that, \(\forall A \in \text{parameter space}\), \(\mu_{\Theta|X}(A|x) = \mu_{\Theta|T}(A|T(x))\), \(\mu_X\)-almost surely, where \(\mu_X\) is the marginal distribution of \(X\).
  6. One should note that completeness is a statement about the entire family \(\qty{\mu_{T|\Theta}(\cdot|\theta) : \theta \in \text{parameter space}}\) and not only about the individual conditional distributions \(\mu_{T|\Theta}(\cdot|\theta)\).


  • Sufficient but not complete

    • \(X \sim \mathcal{U}(\theta, \theta+2\pi)\) itself is a sufficient (and even minimal sufficient) statistic. However \(\expect \sin X \equiv 0\) and it tells nothing about the distribution of \(\sin X\).
  • Complete but not sufficient

    • Constant statistics.
    • First we work out a complete and sufficient statistic for \(n\) samples. Now we're given more samples but we stick to the old statistic. Then this statistic is still complete but not sufficient any more.

Rao–Blackwell–Lehmann–Scheffé theorem


In fact there are two independent theorems.

  • C.R. Rao (Indian-American) and David Blackwell (American):

    For any estimator \(\delta\) used for estimating \(\theta\) and a sufficient statistic \(T\), we have

    • \(\delta' \coloneqq \expect(\delta | T)\) is a valid estimator.
    • And it has smaller mean-squared error: \(\expect (\delta' - \theta)^2 \leq \expect (\delta - \theta)^2\).
    • Additionally, the improved estimator is unbiased iff. the original estimator is unbiased: \(\expect \delta' \equiv \theta \iff \expect \delta \equiv \theta\).
  • Erich Leo Lehmann (German-born American) and Henry Scheffé (American):

    If an unbiased estimator \(\delta\) only depends on samples through a complete sufficient statistic \(T\), then it's the minimum variance unbiased estimator.

Conditional expectation

While \(\expect X\) is a simple number, the conditional expectation \(\expect(X|Y)\) is a random variable depends on the value of \(Y\). In other words, \(\expect(X|Y)\) is a function of the random variable \(Y\).

We can take \(Y = y\) as an event depends on \(y\), then \(\expect(X|Y = y)\) (conditioning on the event) is a number depends on \(y\).

Since \(\expect(X|Y)\) is random, we can take another \(\expect\). This is the law of total expectation: \(\expect \expect(X|Y) = \expect X\).

Rao–Blackwell theorem

First, \(\delta'\) does not depend on \(\theta\) (therefore it's valid) because \(T\) is sufficient (thus \(\Pr(\delta|T)\) does not depend on \(\theta\)).

The second part can be proved by the following decomposition.

\[ \expect (\delta - \theta)^2 = \expect (\delta' - \theta)^2 + \expect \variant(\delta | T) \geq \expect (\delta' - \theta)^2. \]

Consider the well-known formula

\[ \expect (X-m)^2 = \qty(\expect X - m)^2 + \expect \qty(X-\expect X)^2 = \qty(\expect X - m)^2 + \variant X. \]

Let \(\expect \mapsto \expect(\cdot|T)\), \(X \mapsto \delta\), \(m \mapsto \theta\), and \(\expect X \mapsto \expect(\delta|T) = \delta'\). After substitution, take a real \(\expect\) to both sides of the equation, and you'll get the decomposition.

Old version of this proof

The decomposition holds because

  • \(\expect \variant(\delta|T) = \expect \expect \left(\qty(\delta - \expect(\delta|T))^2 \middle| T\right) = \expect\qty(\delta-\delta')^2\) by definition and law of total expectation.
  • \(2 \expect (\delta-\delta')(\delta'-\theta) = \expect \expect(\cdots|T)\). Given \(T\), we know \(\delta', \theta\), thus \((\delta-\delta')(\delta'-\theta)\) is an affine function of \(\delta\). And by definition, \(\expect(\delta|T) - \delta' = 0\), therefore the whole cross term is zero.

Besides, the inequality is also implied by Jensen's inequality, yielding out a more general Rao–Blackwell theorem where the square function can be changed to any convex “loss” function.

The third part is because \(\expect \delta' = \expect \expect(\delta|T) = \expect \delta\).

Lehmann–Scheffé theorem

Suppose \(\psi\) is another candidate unbiased estimator. By Rao–Blackwell theorem, \(\psi' := \expect(\psi|T)\) is a valid unbiased estimator with smaller \(\variant\).

Note that both \(\delta\) and \(\psi'\) are functions of \(T\), so is \(\delta - \psi'\), and \(\expect(\delta - \psi') \equiv 0\) because they are both unbiased.

As \(T\) is complete for \(\theta\), \(\expect(\delta - \psi') \equiv 0\) implies \(\delta \equiv \psi'\) almost surely. Therefore, \(\variant \delta = \variant \psi' \leq \variant \psi\).

§3 Linear Models, §6 Best Linear Unbiased Estimation, and §8 Least Squares



There are two maps that can be assumed to be linear.

  • Data model (parameters → distributions)

    \(\theta \mapsto \expect X\) is linear, and \(X - \expect X\) is exponentially distributed independently to \(\theta\).

    \[ \vb*{X} \sim \mathcal{N}(H \vb*{\theta}, C), \]

    where \(H,C\) are known matrices.

  • Estimators (samples → estimators)

    \(X \mapsto \delta\) is linear.

    \[ \vb*{\delta} = A \vb*{X}, \]

    where \(A\) is to be chosen. To work out a solution, we need to assume moments:

    \[ \begin{aligned} \expect \vb*{X} &= H \vb*{\theta}, \\ \variant \vb*{X} &= C, \\ \end{aligned} \]

    where \(H,C\) are known matrices.

In both cases, the best unbiased estimator turns out to be

\[ \vb*{\delta} = (H^\dagger \Phi H)^{-1} H^\dagger \Phi \vb*{X}, \]

where \(\Phi = C^{-1}\) is the precision matrix. In addition, \(\variant \vb*{\delta} = (H^\dagger \Phi H)^{-1}\).

Note that best in linear model means minimum variance among all estimators, but best in linear estimator means minimum variance among linear estimators.

Best Linear Unbiased Estimation (stat.duke.edu).

This is highly related to ordinary/generalized least squares, projection matrices and Moore–Penrose inverse.

  1. If \(\vb*{\delta}, \vb*{\delta'}\) are both linear unbiased estimator, then the difference \(\vb*{\delta'} - \vb*{\delta} = B^\dagger \vb*{X}\), where \(B \perp H\) (their columns spaces are perpendicular, or \(B^\dagger H = O\)) ——linearity throws the “\(\expect\)”.

  2. If \(\vb*{\delta} = A \vb*{X}\), then

    \[ \begin{split} \variant \vb*{\delta'} &= (A + B^\dagger) (\variant \vb*{X}) (A^\dagger + B) \\ &= A C A^\dagger + B^\dagger C B + A C B + (A C B)^\dagger. \end{split} \]

    The first term is \(\variant \vb*{\delta}\), the second \(\succeq 0\), and the last two terms are zero if \(A = (H^\dagger \Phi H)^{-1} H^\dagger \Phi\) (a generalized inverse of \(H\)), because

    \[ A C B = (\cdots) H^\dagger \Phi C B = (\cdots) H^\dagger B = (\cdots) O. \]
  3. Therefore, for any \(\vb*{\delta'}\), \(\variant \vb*{\delta'} \succeq \variant \vb*{\delta}\) if \(\delta\) is with that \(A\).

Constrained least squares


Lagrangian multipliers:

\[ J = \frac12 (\vb*{x} - H \vb*{\theta})^\dagger \Phi (\vb*{x} - H \vb*{\theta}) + \vb*{\lambda}^\dagger (A \vb*{\theta} - \vb*{b}). \]

Setting its \(\pdv{\vb*{\theta}}\) and constraints to zero produces

\[ \begin{bmatrix} H^\dagger \Phi H & A^\dagger \\ A & O \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \vb*{\theta} \\ \vb*{\lambda} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} H^\dagger \Phi \vb*{x} \\ \vb*{b} \end{bmatrix}. \]

§10–12 Bayesian




Thomas Bayes (/beɪz/ BAYZ) was an English statistician and philosopher. Bayesian is pronounced as /ˈbeɪziən/ BAY-zee-ən or /ˈbeɪʒən/ BAY-zhən.

\[ \begin{aligned} p_{\vb*{\theta} | \vb*{x}} &= \frac{p_{\vb*{x} | \vb*{\theta}}}{p_\vb*{x}} \times p_\vb*{\theta}. \\ \text{posterior} &= \frac{\text{likelihood}}{\text{evidence}} \times \text{prior}. \end{aligned} \]

Another likelihood?

PDF of data viewing as a function of parameters is called likelihood. The PDF is parametrized in classical approach, and conditional in Bayesian approach.

Similar to Rao–Blackwell theorem, the conditional mean estimator \(\expect (\vb*{\theta} | \vb*{x})\) has minimum MSE.

Is that valid?

Given the prior distribution of \(\vb*{\theta}\), we can work out error. Classical approach is not capable of that. Instead, they optimize variance.

Composition of normal distributions



  • \(\vb*{X} \sim \mathcal{N}(\vb*{0}, \Sigma_{XX})\).
  • Given \(\vb*{X} = \vb*{x}\), \(\vb*{Y}\) is distributed as \(\mathcal{N}(H \vb*{x}, \Sigma_{\vb*{Y}|\vb*{x}})\).

    Or equivalently, \(\vb*{Y} - H \vb*{X} \sim \mathcal{N}(\vb*{0}, \Sigma_{\vb*{Y}|\vb*{x}})\) independently to \(\vb*{X}\).

Just expand the square:

\[ \qty(\vb*y - H \vb*{x})^\dagger \Phi_{\vb*{Y}|\vb*{x}} \qty(\vb*y - H \vb*{x}) + \vb*{x}^\dagger {\Sigma_{XX}}^{-1} \vb*x = \begin{bmatrix} \vb*x \\ \vb*y \end{bmatrix}^\dagger \Phi \begin{bmatrix} \vb*x \\ \vb*y \end{bmatrix}, \]

we get

  • \(\Phi_{YY} = \Phi_{\vb*{Y}|\vb*{x}} := {\Sigma_{\vb*{Y}|\vb*{x}}}^{-1}\).
  • \(\Phi_{YX} = -\Phi_{YY} H\).

    In fact \(H = \Sigma_{YX} {\Sigma_{XX}}^{-1}\).

  • \(\Phi_{XX} = {\Sigma_{XX}}^{-1} + H^\dagger \Phi_{YY} H\).

    The sum relates to the additivity of entropy in information theory.

    It also matches the form of Schur complement:

    \[ \begin{split} \Phi_{XX} &= \qty(\Sigma_{XX} - \Sigma_{XY} {\Sigma_{YY}}^{-1} \Sigma_{YX})^{-1} \\ &= {\Sigma_{XX}}^{-1} + \Phi_{XX} \Sigma_{XY} {\Sigma_{YY}}^{-1} \Sigma_{YX} {\Sigma_{XX}}^{-1} \\ \end{split} \]

Normalized scalar version: \(\expect y = \rho x\), where \(\rho\) is the corelation coefficient.

Features of normal distribution:

  • This form of prior, conditional, posterior distribution are same. The conjugate prior PDF of normal distribution is itself.
  • Conditional covariance does not depend on \(\vb*{x}\).

Woodbury-like identities


H. V. Henderson and S. R. Searle On Deriving the Inverse of a Sum of Matrices BU-647-M.pdf.

Denote the matrix inverse \((\cdot)^{-1}\) as the fraction \(\frac{1}{\cdot}\).

  • Multiply: If \(A, B\) are nonsingular, then

    \[ \frac{1}{A} \frac{1}{B} = \frac{1}{B A}. \]
  • Factor: If \(A\) and \(A+X\) are nonsingular, then

    \[ \frac{1}{A + X} = \frac{1}{I + X \frac{1}{A}} \frac{1}{A} = \frac{1}{A} \frac{1}{I + \frac{1}{A} X}. \]

    Note the two \(\frac{1}{A}\) are always on the same side.

  • Extract: If \(I+X\) is nonsingular, then

    \[ \frac{1}{I+X} = \frac{1}{I+X} (I+X - X) = I - \frac{1}{I+X} X = I - \frac{X}{I+X}. \]

    \(I+X = X^0 + X^1\) commutes with \(X\), hence the final “\(=\)”.

  • Push through: If \(I + AB\) and \(I + BA\) are nonsingular, then

    \[ A \frac{1}{I + B A} = \frac{1}{I + A B} A. \]

    The operator \(\frac{1}{I + \cdot}\) can be shifted in the sequence \(ABA\). Due to the associative law, it can also be shifted in \(ABAB\), \(ABABA\), etc.

    Besides, \(I + AB\) and \(I + BA\) are either both singular or both nonsingular, because of Weinstein–Aronszajn determinant identity:

    \[ \begin{vmatrix} I+AB & A \\ O & I \\ \end{vmatrix} = \begin{vmatrix} I & A \\ -B & I \\ \end{vmatrix} = \begin{vmatrix} I & O \\ B & I - (-B)A \\ \end{vmatrix}. \]

Bayesian linear model



Composition of normal distributions.

\(\vb*{\theta}\) distributes normally, \(\vb*{x} = H \vb*{\theta} + \vb*{w}\), where \(\vb*{w}\) is also distributed as a normal distribution, and independent to \(\vb*{\theta}\).

It is obvious that the joint distribution of \(\vb*{\theta},\vb*{x}\) is normal, and life gets easier. The conditional mean estimator is just \(\expect(\vb*{\theta} | \vb*{x})\).

The model is a simple elementary row transformation of a independent joint normal distribution:

\[ \begin{bmatrix} \vb*{x} \\ \vb*{\theta} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} I & H \\ O & I \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \vb*{w} \\ \vb*{\theta} \end{bmatrix}, \]


\[ \variant \begin{bmatrix} \vb*{w} \\ \vb*{\theta} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} C_w & O \\ O & C_\theta \end{bmatrix}. \]

Therefore, the covariance is just a similarity transformation:

\[ \begin{split} \variant \begin{bmatrix} \vb*{x} \\ \vb*{\theta} \end{bmatrix} &= \begin{bmatrix} I & H \\ O & I \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} C_w & O \\ O & C_\theta \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} I & O \\ H^\dagger & I \\ \end{bmatrix} \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} C_w + H C_\theta H^\dagger & H C_\theta \\ C_\theta H^\dagger & C_\theta \end{bmatrix}. \end{split} \]

Note that the inverse of an elementary transformation is simply

\[ \begin{bmatrix} I & H \\ O & I \\ \end{bmatrix}^{-1} = \begin{bmatrix} I & -H \\ O & I \\ \end{bmatrix}. \]

Leveraging it, we can work out the precision similarly:

\[ \begin{split} \qty(\variant \begin{bmatrix} \vb*{x} \\ \vb*{\theta} \end{bmatrix})^{-1} &= \begin{bmatrix} I & O \\ -H^\dagger & I \\ \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} \Phi_w & O \\ O & \Phi_\theta \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} I & -H \\ O & I \\ \end{bmatrix} \\ &= \begin{bmatrix} \Phi_w & - \Phi_w H \\ -H^\dagger \Phi_w & \Phi_\theta + H^\dagger \Phi_w H \end{bmatrix}. \end{split} \]

Comparing to classical linear model, Bayesian linear model can deal with nuisance parameters. In terms of matrices, an elementary transformation is always invertible no matter whether the coefficient is full rank or not.


  • Always check the prerequisite of the theorem. Occasionally the problem is irregular.
  • Classical approaches assume \(\forall \theta\) in most cases.
  • There is a negative sign in \(\expect (\pdv{\theta})^2 = -\expect \pdv[2]{\theta}\).
  • Be aware what is to be estimated and what has been observed.
  • Distinguish between \(\hat{\cdot}\) (hat) and \(\check{\cdot}\) (caron, check).
  • Transformations of parameters does not change likelihood and evidence, but may change the prior probability density. Therefore, maximum likelihood estimators are invariant, but maximum a posteriori (Latin “From the latter”) estimators can vary.
